Municipality of Parma, Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan

Update of the Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan (SUMP) of Parma (Italy)

The Municipality of Parma has entrusted TRT Trasporti e Territorio with the update of the current Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan (SUMP) of the city, which has been in effect since March 2017 and was also drafted by TRT.

The update of the SUMP is significant because:

  • it references the EU guidelines developed within the Eltis project (latest version from 2019), as well as the Minister of Transport’s DM 397/2017 and 396/2019 «Guidelines for Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans», which were not yet issued at the time of the current SUMP;
  • it follows the preparation of the «First Monitoring of the SUMP» (prepared by TRT and approved by the City Council in 2021), which assessed the ongoing achievement of objectives and targets set in the current SUMP;
  • it takes place after the pandemic period (Covid-19), during and after which there have been significant changes in the mobility demand characteristics; moreover, important amendments have been introduced in the Road Code;
  • it must be consistent and support the EU mission «100 climate-neutral and smart cities by 2030», to which the city of Parma has been admitted as one of the nine in Italy, with the goal of achieving climate neutrality by 2030.

PUMS Parma

The activity will unfold in the following methodological steps:

  1. background analysis of the framework regarding the Parma’s mobility system and its impacts;
  2. analysis, processing, and synthesis of numerical information regarding mobility demand;
  3. evaluation of the current scenario (diagnostic framework) through a SWOT analysis;
  4. identification of strategies and alternative scenarios for the SUMP, as well as their detailed design;
  5. development of a participatory process to extend the sharing and acceptability of measures promoted by the future SUMP;
  6. evaluation of scenarios through the application of a multimodal transportation model (VISUM);
  7. estimation of investment and management costs for the Plan interventions, and finally
  8. design of monitoring activities.

Regarding the participation activities, these will accompany different phases of SUMP development, involving citizens and stakeholders through public and thematic meetings, as well as the administration of an online survey directed at the entire community.


Related projects:

TRT was commissioned in 2019 to coordinate the implementation and monitoring of Parma’s SUMP and was also responsible of the drafting of the General Urban Traffic Plan of the city of Parma.

TRT was also responsible of the drafting of the previuos Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan.


Project Description

Municipality of Parma

2023 – ongoing

Ivan Uccelli