Public Transport Service in Cesano Boscone

Feasibility study of the ‘Shuttle’ service within the Cesano Boscone municipal area

TRT was commissioned by the Municipality of Cesano Boscone to analyse the feasibility of implementing a public transport service within its territory. The study is focused on the definition of possible alternatives that are functional to the local context.

Cesano Boscone 2

Cesano Boscone 1

Cesano Boscone 4

To this end, TRT reconstructed the territorial cognitive framework, identifying the current road classification, the demographic evolution of the target population groups (over 65 and under 14) and its territorial distribution. Similarly, poles of attraction within the municipal territory were identified, both in terms of services to the population and commercial areas. The cognitive framework is concluded by the analysis of current LPT services, identifying the lines and routes and their timetables, and by the analysis of the overall travel demand described by the origin-destination matrix of the Lombardy Region.

Following the analysis of the municipal local public transport service decommissioned in 2011, TRT proposed two general functional solutions and the relative management models, declining them on the basis of some important realisations already active at a European and national level.

Cesano Boscone 3TRT proposed the implementation of a timetable-based car line to cover the deficiencies identified for the service already in operation along a route connecting the Tessera locality with the centre of Cesano Boscone. The second alternative consists of a flexible service upon request. TRT has presented the administration with several alternatives based on a number of active case studies.

TRT will complete the work by defining the preliminary economic framework including a description of how the service will be entrusted, following an integration of the cognitive framework that the municipality wished to complete by distributing a questionnaire to the population.



Project Description

Cesano Boscone Municipality

2022 – In corso

Davide Tessarollo