TRACC Project

The ESPON project TRACC (TRansport ACCessibility at regional/local scale and patterns in Europe)


The ESPON project TRACC (TRansport ACCessibility at regional/local scale and patterns in Europe) aimed at updating the results of previous studies, extending the range and the spatial resolution of accessibility indicators in response to the most recent policy questions.

The TRACC conceptual framework is based on a systematic and comprehensive theoretical consideration of the major dimensions of accessibility, as well as of the most frequently used types of accessibility indicators and extensions of these.

TRACC developed a systematic and consistent set of accessibility indicators, differentiated according to three spatial contexts (global, European, regional) and also between travel and freight.

At European level, accessibility indicators for travel are further distinguished between traditional and newer ones. At regional level, moreover, a new set of indicators is included focusing on the accessibility to services of general interest, which are among the top priorities in the current policy agenda.

Archivio progetti

Project Description

European Spatial Planning Observation Network (ESPON)

2010 – 2013

Davide Fiorello