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MobilitAria 2018 report

The last February 16th, after 13 years from Kyoto Protocol implementation, the report “MobilitAria 2018” was presented in Rome. This study, carried by Kyoto Club (Sustainable Mobility Group) and by CNR-IIA (National Council for Research, Atmospheric Pollution Institute – Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Istituto sull’Inquinamento Atmosferico), considered 14 Italian metropolitan areas: Bari, Bologna, Cagliari, Catania, Firenze, Genova, Messina, Milano, Napoli, Palermo, Reggio Calabria, Roma, Torino, Venezia.

Data about air quality urban mobility had been collected and correlated with main actions carried out by Municipal Councils, according with urban mobility plans.

The report includes ai overview of main measures on mobility taken in Italy between 2006 and 2016. A particular attention is payed to CO2 emissions, comparing them with targets of reduction.

This document ends with 12 proposal and with the objectives to act in a more concrete way to improve the sustainable mobility.

Report available only in Italian.


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