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MobilitAria 2019 Report

Last April the second edition of “MobilitAria” report  was presented in Rome, in the national headquarters of “Ferrovie dello Stato”. This study, written by Kyoto Club, CNR-IIA (National Council for Research, Atmospheric Pollution Institute – Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Istituto sull’Inquinamento Atmosferico) with the collaboration of Isfort, presents data on urban mobility and air quality for 14 cities and Metropolitan Areas for the period 2017-2018.

This edition includes an original contribute do TRT that reports the results of the simulation of effects of actions, that promote electric mobility, on mobility system and environment.

Tests had been carried referring to four Metropolitan Cities of Italy (Turin, Milan, Bologna and Bari) using MOMOS model (MOdello per la MObilità Sostenibile – Sustainable Mobility Model) developed by TRT.


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