City of Piacenza, the cycling mobility plan

20p24 Biciplan Piacenza

Drafting of the Biciplan, an strategic vision for cycling mobility in the city of Piacenza as part of wider mobility system introduced by the Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan (SUMP)

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In 2018 the Municipality of Piacenza started the process of reviewing and updating its mobility planning tools. After having elaborated the Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan and the Urban Traffic Plan, the Municipality has entrusted TRT with the drafting of the new Biciplan, that represents a deepening of the strategic vision for cycling already introduced in the approved SUMP.

The Biciplan assigns a primary role to cycling with the aim to satisfy the mobility needs not only related to leisure but also (and especially) to the everyday commuting. The compact urban form of Piacenza with its orographic and climatic conditions plays in favour of a greater diffusion of cycling. Indeed 22% of residents already regularly cycle to work.

The drafting of the Biciplan, started in April 2021, consists of the following activities

  • Analysis of the local cycling mobility system and planning context with particular attention to the existing cycling network and related services, as well as the analyses of the cycling demand and road accident rates;
  • definition of the methodology and the objectives for the prioritization of measures, also taking into account the limited resources;
  • elaboration of the Plan proposal through the identification of policies and measures able to define the infrastructure, the services and the communication activities to encourage the use of bicycles as well as other aspects related to urban logistics and last mile deliveries.
  • the quantification of economic resources necessary to implement all actions included in the plan and the definition of the monitoring system including indicators and targets .


Biciplan Piacenza rete portante


For more information


Project Description

Piacenza Municipality

2020 – 2022

Tito Stefanelli