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Home»Publications»Challenges for urban transport policy after the Covid-19 pandemic: Main findings from a survey in 20 European cities

Challenges for urban transport policy after the Covid-19 pandemic: Main findings from a survey in 20 European cities

transport policy

A paper co-authored by TRT was published online by Transport Policy. The article is based on the outcome of an extensive survey managed by TRT on behalf of the JRC Sevilla of the European Commission in 20 cities across 11 European countries during the second quarter of 2021, with a total of 10000 respondents. The survey explored the changes in transport and mobility patterns that were triggered by the Covid-19 pandemic, as well as citizens’ potential new expectations arising from this situation regarding public transport policy and urban planning. The information collected covered the change in the frequency of technology-based alternatives to travel -such as teleworking and online shopping-compared to the pre-pandemic period. It also included the change in trip frequency, purpose, mode and destination. Using the survey dataset as input, a classification model was applied to explain the change in mode choice based on the respondent characteristics and preferences. Findings suggest that the changes in mobility patterns induced by the pandemic are the result of the combination of the degree of mobility restrictions imposed in each city, the adoption of new lifestyle and work patterns, and individual choices that depend on personal risk aversion.

Three main challenges for urban transport policy were identified: the increasing use of car that can reinforce long-term car dependency, the avoidance of public transport that may lead to financial and operational instability, and the uncertainty as regards the future of innovation in urban transport, especially as regards emerging technologies and business models.

Download the article here.