Technical assistance for the ADRIPASS project

One of the main reasons that hamper the growth and the economic development of transport sector in the ADRION region is the lack of efficient maritime – hinterland connections, mainly caused by the existence of various bottlenecks at border level.


The main objective of the Adripass project – co-financed by the 1st call of the Interreg ADRION Programme – is to improve the planning capacities of transport stakeholders and policy makers facing similar challenges concerning the multimodal transport accessibility and network efficiency in the ADRION region.

TRT is responsible to carry out the intermediate and final evaluation of the project. The activities foreseen involve also the writing of the methodology of the evaluation, the elaboration of a questionnaire to be submitted to project partners and stakeholders, the supervision and the evaluation of the project outputs.


Project Description

Executive Secretariat of the Central European Initiative (CEI)

2018 – 2019

Tito Stefanelli