EUSALP - Existing pricing components

Overview of existing pricing components that influence the competitiveness between road and rail freight transport

The Alpine regions are particularly sensitive to negative environmental and social impacts caused by the road traffic flow of freight and passenger transport through the Alps. To tackle this challenge, the harmonisation and implementation of modal shift policies is of utmost relevance. EUSALP Action Group 4 on Mobility (AG4) has commissioned to TRT Trasporti e Territorio a study to support its strategy in designing a proper mix of modal shift policies. TRT provided an overall analysis of existing policy-induced pricing components affecting the competitiveness between road and rail freight transport in and through the Alps.


The objectives of the study were:

  • To collect detailed information on policy-induced pricing components that influence road and rail transport cost;
  • To develop a comparative illustration of them for supporting political discussion and communication;
  • To provide preliminary recommendations to improve the instrument mix for balancing the transport modal split in the Alpine Region.


Project Description

EUSALP Action Group 4


Claudia de Stasio