Connettività aerea dell'Isola d'Elba – Analisi e prospettive

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Elba Island air connectivity – Analysis and perspectives

The study was part of INTERREG Marittimo IT FR GEECCTT-ÎLES project and it focused on Marina di Campo airport role on Italian and international accessibility and connectivity to Elba Island.

Aereo Elba Campo nell'Elba 2TRT analysed the current airport characteristics, identified the potential upgrades and estimated flight costs of connections between Elba Island and some important Italian areas, like Tuscany, Pedimont and cities of Rome and Milan, considering different aircraft typologies.

The analysis focused on the current airport runway, taking into account land-side and air-side terminal characteristics.

The study also considered the historical trends between 2008 and 2018 of aircraft movements and passengers transit, and was enriched through a comparison of Elba airport with other similar international airports (considering their position and their dimensions).

Aereo Elba Campo nell'Elba

Moreover, TRT analysed the operating costs considering different kind of aircrafts (currently landing in Elba airport or potentially landing, from Pilatus PC-12 to Embrader 190, including intermediate solutions like ATR 72-600) for different flights and including different cost items (with specific splits between operating costs and landing fees).

TRT, thanks to its competence and experience, gave suggestions on the possible development of the airport, identifying the main elements, based on the detailed analysis carried out, to be taken into account to settle the future choices.


Project Description

Autorità di Sistema Portuale del Mar Tirreno Settentrionale


Giuseppe Galli