ISAC - Intelligente Surface Access Community

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Intelligent Access (as a part of the digital transformation of road freight transport)

IA is an evolving and relatively new concept of ensuring “the right vehicle with the right cargo/freight, operates on the right road at the right time“ to minimise impacts on the environment, infrastructure, human health and safety, and society.

ISACAdoption of IA in road freight transport can help NRAs to address the budgetary and climate challenges faced by NRAs by delivering more efficient use of existing road infrastructure capacity, whilst embracing the opportunity to connect to other developments in the field of digitisation, automation and connectivity, both on the government side and in the logistics sector. Other stakeholders which are set to benefit from IA include national vehicle authorities, policy makers, service providers, shippers, transporters, hauliers, vehicle manufacturers, and various service providers. IA is a key application of connected vehicles which can provide significant benefits for NRAs in better road and traffic management, as well as providing major commercial and operational benefits to road operators and the logistics industry.

The main objective of this project is to deliver general guiding principles, showing the dependencies, pre-conditions, and necessary steps to move implementation and adoption of IA forward across borders and at national level for the transport of goods by road. This will support Directive 96/53/EC which states that Member States should be encouraged to establish Intelligent Access Policy schemes that ensure compliance with rules on the maximum authorised weights and dimensions.

Archivio progetti

Project Description

CEDR – Conference of European Directors of Roads

2024 – 2026

Claudia de Stasio