Prato e-Mobility Plan

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Electric Mobility Plan of the city of Prato

The development of an e-mobility sector plan is one of the actions foreseen by the current SUMP (2017) for both vehicular mobility (private fleets, public facilities, passengers and goods) and public and collective mobility (PT and sharing).

In this sphere, the City of Prato requested the drafting of an Electric Mobility Plan (EMP) in order to indicate a scenario for the development of e-mobility, as a coherent set of measures capable of acting on the supply side (sizing and general location of electric vehicle recharging stations), and of measures to support the demand for mobility.

The study envisages the construction of a cognitive framework with the aim of outlining the current and future scenario of e-mobility demand and supply

Current supply of charging points in Prato

Charging points in terms of charging level (left) and connector (right)

On this basis, the EMP identifies:

  • the current state of demand (composition of the circulating vehicle fleet) and supply of charging infrastructure for public use in the city;

    Vehicle fleet (2020) and its evolution between 2015 and 2020

  • a trend scenario, projection in the future five-year period of growth rates in demand (estimates of the evolution of the electrically driven vehicle fleet) and supply of charging infrastructure for public use;
  • an evolutionary scenario formulated in consideration of the targets set at EU and national level and indicated in recent planning and programming documents (cf. PNIRE and National Recovery and Resilience Plan-NRRP).

Based on the evolutionary scenario, the infrastructural endowments are therefore sized, disaggregated according to the performance of the recharging stations (slow-accelerated or fast) intended for private and public fleets, as well as their broad locations.

All these aspects represent the technical elements to support the Administration of Prato in the subsequent phase of selecting the operators who will be called upon to develop the recharging network in the urban area in accordance with the regulatory provisions.


TRT was also responsible of the drafting of the Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan, the Parking Master Plan and the Urban Traffic Plan of the city of Prato

In 2022, TRT also drafted Prato’s SUMP monitoring report in accordance with the indicators of DM 396 of 28/08/2019.


Archivio progetti

Project Description

Comune di Prato

2021 – 2022

Davide Tessarollo