Strada dei Parchi - A24-A25 motorway

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Strada-dei-Parchi: Traffic study and cost benefit analysis of A24-A25 motorway

The objective of the project was the traffic study, the cost-benefit and risk analysis of different of A24 and A25 motorways’ layout alternatives. The AIMSUN traffic simulation model was used to evaluate the impacts of the different route design variants, with special focus on travel times and accessibility.

The Cost-Benefit Analysis of the alternative scenarios was combined with the sensitivity analysis of the main variables (e.g. investment costs, maintenance, etc.) and the risk analysis to evaluate the effects of uncertain variables (eg traffic demand, investment costs, incidence of weather conditions) represented with different probability distributions of occurrence.

The Cost-benefit Analysis provided the economic indicators: Net Present Value – NPV and Economic Internal. Particular attention was paid to the assessment of the weather conditions impact on traffic and travel times in the various design alternatives.


autostrade A24 ed A25 TRT


Project Description

Strada dei Parchi SpA

2020 – 2021

Espedito Saponaro