Preparation of the Urban Mobility Plan of the city of Prato in Italy
TRT, as a result of a tendering procedure, has been selected by the City of Prato to support their offices in the preparation of the SUMP. The Plan takes as reference methodology the “SUMP guidelines” prepared by the EU Commission (with the contribution, among others, of TRT).
The SUMP process has been developed in four steps:
- background analysis of the mobility-related framework and its environmental, social and economic impact in Prato;
- identification of the strategies for the construction of the SUMP scenarios, as a result of the background analysis, the selected objectives and the priorities raised through public listening (surveys and thematic/territorial focus groups);
- design of two different scenarios: reference solution and SUMP scenario – the latter is characterised by a set of coherent transport measures aimed at achieving specific objectives;
- evaluation procedure, implementing a ex ante transport model (AIMSUN) and a policy evaluation procedure (MOMOS) derived from the Urban Road Map 2030 tool.
The SUMP of Prato has been presented to the local community, stakeholders and decision makers in October 2016. The Plan has been approved by the City Council in June 2017.
TRT was also responsible of the drafting of the Parking Master Plan and the Urban Traffic Plan of the city of Prato
In 2022, TRT also drafted Prato’s e-Mobility Plan and the SUMP monitoring report in accordance with the indicators of DM 396 of 28/08/2019.
For more information (Only available in italian)
- Official SUMP webpage hosted in the website of the Municipality. It contains all the information related to the SUMP process in Prato
- Webpage where project deliverables and annexes can be found
- Link to download the final SUMP document
Project Description
Comune di Prato
Patrizia Malgieri