A survey in 20 European cities on behalf of the JRC of the European Commission to explore the impacts of COVID-19 outbreak on urban transport
The Covid-19 crisis triggered major changes in users’ mobility preferences in light of health risks and restrictions, as well as changes in terms of different working patterns and economic activity that have impacted on the demand of urban mobility.
The study was aimed at collecting data through a survey in 20 EU cities, in order to understand individuals’ urban mobility patterns in light of the changes introduced by the Covid-19 pandemic. In specific, the exercise analysed how the health crisis impacted on elements like:
- mode choice,
- transport costs,
- trip purposes,
- frequency of movements,
- external factors driving the transport choice.
The impact of disruptive elements, such as teleworking was also explored.
TRT was responsible for the research, which was managed by IPSOS. The 20 cities were distributed in 11 EU countries; they included large metropolitan areas as well as medium cities with different levels of diffusion of the Covid-19 virus, different role of public transport and bike and different level of road congestion.
The survey involved 500 individuals in each city. Two different methodologies were used to collect responses: a CAWI questionnaire and a CATI questionnaire. The combination of the two methods ensured an affordable and representative sample.