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2nd Air Cargo Observatory Study – The air freight in Italy

This document, written by TRT for “Cluster Cargo Aereo” (ANAMA, Assaeroporti, Assohandlers e IBAR), analyses and compare Italian air cargo market with European competitors.

This study is completed with the results of a survey sent to manufacture and shipping companies, which made possible to deepen the knowledge of the strategic role of air cargo traffic, and with a statistical analysis that covers the period 2008-2019 and different categories of products.

Eventually, this document is enriched with an annex dedicated to Covid-19 impact over air cargo traffic, which revealed an high degree of resilience for all of players in this economic sector.

Link to the project page.

Report available only in Italian.

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Survey on International Merchandise Transport – 2019

This paper is a summary of the surveys on international freight carried by TRT for Banca d’Italia (Italian national bank) in 2019.

It includes main figures of the sample surveys carried by TRT for Banca d’Italia dating back to 1998. It is part of the balance of payments, in the section of international freight transport. In 2019 TRT interviewed 160 circa of the main international freight operators, with the aim to find out information regarding freight rates and ancillary costs. Moreover, market shares of carriers by nationality has been estimated.

During 2019 the reduction of the share of transport cost on imported and exported goods’ value diminished. Average costs per tonne remained almost constant in road transport, with an increment of full-load fees and a reduction of partial-load fees. Freight rates in rail transport are diminished, particularly for bulk transport. Air cargo average costs diminished considerably, especially for exports. As for maritime transport, average costs increased moderately, due to the depreciation of the euro-dollar exchange rate.

Link to the project page.

Report available only in Italian

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MobilitAria 2019 Report

Last April the second edition of “MobilitAria” report  was presented in Rome, in the national headquarters of “Ferrovie dello Stato”. This study, written by Kyoto Club, CNR-IIA (National Council for Research, Atmospheric Pollution Institute – Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Istituto sull’Inquinamento Atmosferico) with the collaboration of Isfort, presents data on urban mobility and air quality for 14 cities and Metropolitan Areas for the period 2017-2018.

This edition includes an original contribute do TRT that reports the results of the simulation of effects of actions, that promote electric mobility, on mobility system and environment.

Tests had been carried referring to four Metropolitan Cities of Italy (Turin, Milan, Bologna and Bari) using MOMOS model (MOdello per la MObilità Sostenibile – Sustainable Mobility Model) developed by TRT.


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The impact of TEN-T completion on growth, jobs and the environment

RAPPORTO_completoThe European Commission has now published the study on “The impact of TEN-T completion on growth, jobs and the environment” performed by TRT in partnership with M-Five (DE) and Ricardo E&E (UK). The objective of the study is to quantify the impact of the TEN-T core network implementation until 2030, as well as the impact of each of the nine core network corridors separately, on European Union growth, jobs and the environment.

Sustainable Transport Infrastructure Charging and Internalisation of Transport Externalities

TRT is partner of the international consortium appointed by the European Commission DG MOVE to carry out the study “Sustainable Transport Infrastructure Charging and Internalisation of Transport Externalities”. Currently, the study is ongoing and approaching its final phase. The final report will be delivered early next summer with main conclusions and transport policy applications. Preliminary results are available on the webpage and show the overall size of transport external costs, the external costs by cost category and by transport mode for EU28 countries and the extent to which users and polluters pay the total costs (external and infrastructure) that they are responsible for.


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Components rates that influence competitivity of road and rail freight transport

Alpine Regions are particularly sensitive to negative environmental and social impacts of excessive traffic of freight and passengers throughout Alps. The harmonization and the implementation of modal shift actions are extremely important in order to face this issue. The EUSALP AG4 Group commissioned to TRT a study that focuses on the project of an adeguate mix of modal shift politics. TRT gave and comprehensive analysis of existing tariffs components that influence the competitiveness between road and rail freight transport inside and through Alps.

The goals of the study were:

  • Collect detailed information on costs components derived from the regulation of the road and rail transport;
  • Develop a comparative representation of these elements to be used for the discussion inside the Action Group;
  • Give preliminary recommendations to improve the mix of proposed actions to balance the modal shift on alpine macroregion.


Report available only in Italian.

Link to the published report.

Modal shift in European transport: a way forward

IPOL_STU(2018)629182_ENOn the occasion of the Year of Multimodality, 2018, the study aimed to take stock of progress made towards the objectives set by the 2011 Transport White Paper and of the actions taken at European level to make the modal shift more successful.

The study provides a comprehensive analysis of the progress and potential for modal shift from road to more sustainable modes of transport, both on passenger and freight transport. It highlights the main barriers and factors hindering a more effective modal shift at European level and gives recommendations on measures to be potentially incorporated to achieve more effective policies.

The full study is available at the following link: Modal Shift 2018

Survey on International Merchandise Transport – 2017

This paper is a summary of the surveys on international freight carried by TRT for Banca d’Italia (Italian national bank) in 2017.

It includes main figures of the sample surveys carried by TRT for Banca d’Italia dating back to 1998.It is part of the balance of payments, in the section of international freight transport, in line with methodological conventions of the 6th manual of International Monetary Fund. In 2019 TRT interviewed 200 circa of the main international freight operators, with the aim to find out information regarding freight rates and ancillary costs. Moreover, market shares of carriers by nationality has been estimated. Figures are reported as annual average values per freight type.

Link to the project page.

Report available only in Italian

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MobilitAria 2018 report

The last February 16th, after 13 years from Kyoto Protocol implementation, the report “MobilitAria 2018” was presented in Rome. This study, carried by Kyoto Club (Sustainable Mobility Group) and by CNR-IIA (National Council for Research, Atmospheric Pollution Institute – Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Istituto sull’Inquinamento Atmosferico), considered 14 Italian metropolitan areas: Bari, Bologna, Cagliari, Catania, Firenze, Genova, Messina, Milano, Napoli, Palermo, Reggio Calabria, Roma, Torino, Venezia.

Data about air quality urban mobility had been collected and correlated with main actions carried out by Municipal Councils, according with urban mobility plans.

The report includes ai overview of main measures on mobility taken in Italy between 2006 and 2016. A particular attention is payed to CO2 emissions, comparing them with targets of reduction.

This document ends with 12 proposal and with the objectives to act in a more concrete way to improve the sustainable mobility.

Report available only in Italian.


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TRIP Research Theme Analysis Report – Transport safety

The new report from the European Commission funded Transport Research Innovation Portal (TRIP) – a free to access, European Commission funded portal for EU professionals to share and discuss innovations in transport mobility – provides a comprehensive review on Transport Safety. TRT is among the partners of the consortium.  From September 2007, the online platform TRIMIS – European Transport Research and Innovation Monitoring System – incorporates TRIP’s database of over 10,000 EU and national transport research projects.

The report offers a rare snapshot to provide transport professionals with valuable insight into the emerging tools and techniques that are being used to enhance the safety of EU transport systems.

The report covers four interlinked sub themes of transport safety: road transport safety, railway transport safety, air transport safety, maritime transport safety.

Co-Authors: Cosimo Chiffi, Angelo Martino, Raffaele Vergnani (TRT)

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