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Home»Publications»Components rates that influence competitivity of road and rail freight transport

Components rates that influence competitivity of road and rail freight transport

Alpine Regions are particularly sensitive to negative environmental and social impacts of excessive traffic of freight and passengers throughout Alps. The harmonization and the implementation of modal shift actions are extremely important in order to face this issue. The EUSALP AG4 Group commissioned to TRT a study that focuses on the project of an adeguate mix of modal shift politics. TRT gave and comprehensive analysis of existing tariffs components that influence the competitiveness between road and rail freight transport inside and through Alps.

The goals of the study were:

  • Collect detailed information on costs components derived from the regulation of the road and rail transport;
  • Develop a comparative representation of these elements to be used for the discussion inside the Action Group;
  • Give preliminary recommendations to improve the mix of proposed actions to balance the modal shift on alpine macroregion.


Report available only in Italian.

Link to the published report.