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Our study on Costs and Benefits of the Sustainable Urban Mobility Transition is online

Tableau EIT result

How much will the transition to sustainable urban mobility cost in European cities? Which benefits and changes in mobility will it bring? What will be the most cost-effective policies to accelerate this transition?

These are some of the questions that a new study from TRT Trasporti e Territorio has been replying to.

The study, commissioned by EIT Urban Mobility and released today, produced a quantification of the costs and benefits of the transition to sustainable urban mobility in European cities by 2030 and 2050. The analysis was carried out with the modelling tool MOMOS, which allowed to assess the impacts of different mobility transition scenarios.

Three potential scenarios, based on different combinations of policy measures, have been designed. Each scenario has been applied to 12 city prototypes, that took into account differences in terms of size and geography of 779 European cities. The results have been generalized for the entire EU27 context as well.

The main outputs of the study consisted in a series of indicators from three domains: transport (modal split, car ownership), environment (CO2 emissions, fatalities), and economic (city costs, revenues, and externalities). Also, a policy effectiveness comparison determined the best policy measures, in terms of associated cost/revenues and CO2 reduction, according to different city sizes.

Full results of the study can be explored with this interactive tool.

The study’s Full Report can be downloaded here.

Here is the link to the news on the EIT Urban Mobility website .