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TRT joins SLOCAT Partnership!

We are pleased to announce that TRT Trasporti e Territorio has joined the SLOCAT (Sustainable, Low Carbon Transport) Partnership. As the name of the initiative suggests, the partnership focuses on promoting and enabling collaborative knowledge and action for sustainable, low carbon transport.

SLOCAT is an international partnership involving more than 90 associations, transportation companies, universities, government agencies, and NGOs, cooperating to promote a more equitable, more resilient and healthier transport and mobility systems.

SLOCAT’s main activities include being active in international and local advocacy campaigns on sustainable transport and climate, participating and organizing peer-learning and capacity building initiatives, drafting thematic reports, guidelines and recommendations, etc.

Through this collaboration, TRT will have the opportunity to contribute to the development of sustainable and inclusive mobility at the global level, establish synergies with the partnership’s members and have access to a wide network of governmental and non-governmental stakeholders. In particular, TRT will collaborate with them by participating to development of reports and studies, sharing our work and results with partners working on similar issues, and much more.

More information about SLOCAT can be found on the website