Eastern Sicilian Sea Port System Authority

Eastern Sicilian Sea Port System Authority – Study of the compatibility of the project forecasts of the Catania Port Master Plan with the growth of the reference traffic

ADSP Catania

The study, carried out on behalf of the Port System Authority of the Eastern Sicilian Sea, provides a verification of the compatibility of the traffic expected in the coming years for the port of Catania with respect to what is foreseen by the new Port Master Plan (PMP). The need for this evaluation arises by the revision of the PMP by the Port System Authority of the Eastern Sicilian Sea, which provides for a substantial reorganization of the areas dedicated to the various types of traffic.

The work was carried out through an analysis of current and future demand for both passenger and freight traffic and through an analysis of current and future infrastructure supply, based on the forecasts of the new PMP. For the purpose of assessing traffic compatibility, demand and supply data were then cross-referenced in order to identify possible criticalities and necessary alternative solutions.

The study focused on traffic flows concerning Ro-Ro (and Ro-Pax) and cruise traffic, as these categories are predominant over the rest of port traffic. The compatibility verifications carried out concerned:

  • the current and future Ro-Ro vehicle storage capacity based on the growth forecasts of this traffic;
  • the loading/unloading capacity of Ro-Ro rolling stock based on currently available equipment;
  • the ability to manage within the port area tourist buses serving cruise traffic, both in the current and future conditions, and in particular peak conditions;
  • the impact that increased port traffic will have on the local road system.
    In conclusion, the infrastructure adjustment forecasts of the new PMP are consistent with the expected growth in demand, both on freight and passenger side.


Project Description

Port System Authority of the Eastern Sicilian Sea


Giuseppe Galli