CEDR’s TEN-T (Roads) 2017 Performance Report
The 2017 TEN-T (Roads) Performance report is the fifth biannual report issued by the Conference of European Directors of Roads (CEDR) on the performance of the TEN-T road network within the participating countries.
Biennial CEDR reports offer a coherent set of data with which to monitor trends and identify changes in the performance of the TEN-T road network since the year 2009. As such, these reports are a particularly useful source of information for individual National Road Authorities, regulatory bodies and others for benchmarking purposes and for setting national performance targets.
More specifically, the CEDR reporting framework is based on a common simple Location Referencing Model and a consistent set of performance indicators based on common data definitions and on data provided directly by National Road Administrations.
A web map is developed to display the GIS layer of CEDR’s logical network, in conformity with CEDR’s Location Referencing Model, and to allow for the visualisation of thematic maps showing road performance indicators at link level (e.g. road type, number of lanes, etc.) and for different years.
An online tool is developed for the collection and visualization of CEDR Strategic Key Performance Indicators.
For more information, please check the project website – cedr.eu
Project Description
CEDR – Conference of European Directors of Roads
2017 – 2018
Claudia de Stasio