Ex-post evaluation of Directive 92/6/EEC on the installation and use of speed limitation devices for certain categories of motor vehicles
The introduction of speed limitation devices and of Intelligent Speed Adaption Systems (ISA) is an effective way to improve road safety and reduce traffic noise and emissions.
These devices are specifically designed to monitor and control driving speed, one of the main causes of road accidents especially on motorways, hence contributing to achieve important goals of the 2011 Transport White Paper such as road safety and GHG emission reductions.
The study concerned an ex-post evaluation of Directive 92/6/EEC on the installations of speed limitation devices for certain categories of heavy goods vehicles.
An ex-ante evaluation was also carried out to examine the feasibility of extending the scope of the Directive to light commercial vehicles.
Project Description
European Commission – DG Mobility and Transport
Riccardo Parolin