Support study for the impact assessment for the revision of EETS legislation
The implementation of an interoperable electronic tolling systems (European Electronic Toll Service – EETS) was one of the objectives of the European Commission. This study supported the European Commission to assess the impact of the revision of Directive 2004/52/EC establishing the rules to introduce the electronic tolling systems for trucks and passengers cars, in order to automatize and simplify the revenues collection process.
This study supported the impact assessment of the European Commission in:
- analysing and reporting the outcomes of the consultation exercises conducted as part of the ex-post evaluation and impact assessment.
- providing missing data and information to complete the problem definition defined by the Commission and validating the latter or proposing changes.
- assessing the impacts of a lack of interoperability comparing three policy options against a baseline scenario. The impacts were estimated for road users (i.e., trucks, coaches and private cars) and toll chargers, with regard to direct and indirect costs.
- calculating the impacts related to development scenarios with respect to cars, trucks and coaches travelling on international journeys.
Overall, taking into account the effectiveness, the efficiency and the comparison of other impact categories, the support study identified the legislative approach (i.e., the option of introducing market correction entirely via legislation) as the one more likely to ensure a level playing field across a wider region and performing better than the self-regulated option.
Based on the impact assessment carried out, the solution of both regulatory and market failures with legislative means emerged as the preferred option for future implementation.
TRT was responsible for the following activities:
- development of the model for quantifying the cost and time-losses for road users due to lack of interoperability of electronic tolls in the EU;
- development of the baseline scenarios within the Excel-based model;
- development of the policy scenarios in the model and assessment of the economic impacts.
For more information
- Final report – Support study for the Impact Assessment for the Revision of EETS Legislation (Directive 2004/52/EC & Decision 2009/750/EC)
Project Description
European Commission DG MOVE
Marco Brambilla