Linee della rete Bus Rapid Transit di Taranto

Support to the preparation of the project for the technical and economic feasibility of the definitive project of the infrastructures of the lines of the Bus Rapid Transport network

The project has supported the feasibility study providing focus analyses on transport aspects and has developed the cost-benefit analysis of the Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) network envisaged by the Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan of the Municipality of Taranto, which, among others, has the objectives of tackling the private traffic in the central area of the city and a substantial transformation of the public transport services.

Technically, the project of the BRT consists of (i) high-capacity vehicles, with low (or none) emission of pollutants, low loading platforms and (ii) a partially segregated alignment, with stops equipped and comfortable, and supervised by a control system to prioritise the traffic lights of the BRT with respect to road traffic.

Bus Rapid Transit TarantoThe BRT is 71 km long. The “Linea Rossa” Paolo VI – Cimino extends for 44 km and links the district of San Paolo to Pineta Cimino, running through the Isola, the district Borgo and the shopping centre of Auchan. The “Linea Blu” Tamburi – Talsano extends for 39 km and links the districts of Tamburi and Talsano and running through the Isola, the district Borgo, the hospital, the naval base of the Navy and the outskirt of the city.

The two lines partially overlap for 9 km to double the frequency in the central area of the city.

TRT contributed to the project in two phases.

  • In Phase I, to select project options and develop the cost-benefit analysis according to the guidelines of the Ministry of Infrastructures and Transport. The cost-benefit analysis has been developed for the submission of the project dossier to access to Ministry’s earmarked funds for public transport. The Phase I focussed on the “Linea Rossa”.
  • In phase II, to develop the cost-benefit analysis according to the guidelines of the Ministry of Infrastructures and Transport and of the European Commission for the evaluation of investment projects. The cost-benefit analysis evaluated the two lines of the BRT and the modified network of conventional buses, against the scenario of not implementing the project.

Also, the cost-benefit analysis has developed the risk analysis, both qualitative and quantitative. The latter was developed with a specialised software.

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For both phases, the cost-benefit analysis was developed relying on the outputs of the traffic simulation model and on the data of the investment and operating costs.


Project Description

TecnoSistem/IDOM for the Municipality of Taranto

2020 – 2021

Marco Brambilla