Southern Italy - China logistics

Logistics Between Southern Italy and China

The Ministry of Economic Development – Department for Development Policies has commissioned a study to TRT to: identify market factors that may promote the Southern Italy as a logistics platform for the traffic generated from the Italian, European and Mediterranean market to the Far East.

The aim of the study was to identify and prioritise investments and measures to boost the international exchanges of goods and the demand for logistics in the South of Italy.

Two were the main objectives of the study:

  • to point out the key factors which could support the development of Southern Italy as logistics platform for the exchanges with East Asia;
  • to show the economics and territorial advantages coming from the logistics growth, in particular for the employment and the productivity.

The analysis undertaken highlighted the economic benefits arising from the development of the territory logistics, with special reference to employment and productivity.


The priority systems on which to focus were three.

  1. Gioia Tauro transhipment port, that offers great potential to local economy;
  2. Campania logistics system, with Salerno and Napoli ports and the logistics platforms of Nola and Marcianise;
  3. Taranto port, with the significant development recorded thanks to big shipping lines. The projects reviewed included the enlargement of the terminal container and the building up of an inland logistics platform.

Archivio progetti

Project Description

Italian Ministry for Economic Development

2006 – 2007

Enrico Pastori