New mobility patterns in European cities

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New mobility patterns in European cities

The objective of the study is to provide an extensive data collection covering the areas of passenger mobility, urban logistics, fleet composition, transport activity and traffic for the EU Member States. The project is composed of three tasks:

  1. An EU-wide survey covering all mobility, including both urban and non-urban parts, based on the methodology recommended by Eurostat with a specific focus on new ways of mobility in cities (shared mobility, active mobility and use of alternative fuelled vehicles and modes). The task includes a statistical meta-analysis of similar surveys done at EU and at national, major regional and local level to derive evolution over time of mobility patterns.
  2. A targeted survey on urban logistics in the major EU urban centres, addressed at businesses that provide delivery services for own account or for hire, to understand the composition and the mileage of the fleet, the characteristics of the vehicles, the corresponding activity, the fuel/energy consumption, the Origin-Destination characteristics of the supply chain and the carbon footprint resulting from their activities in cities.
  3. A complete and consistent dataset of fleet, activity and traffic data and relevant indicators on the economic, environmental and usage aspects of transport, for the period 2005-2018, covering all road, airborne, rail and waterborne passenger and freight transport.

TRT led the systematic review of existing mobility surveys in Europe, analysed the results of the passenger mobility survey (Task A), supported the activities for the urban logistics survey (Task B), and developed the rail dataset (Task C).

New mobility patterns

Archivio progetti

Project Description

European Commission, DG MOVE


Stefano Borgato