Territorial Plan of the Province of Piacenza

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Technical support in the drafting of the Territorial Plan of the Province of Piacenza (Piano Territoriale di Area Vasta)

TRT has been commissioned by the Province of Piacenza to provide technical support in the drafting of the Territorial Plan of the Province (PTAV) in line with the new Regional Planning Law No. 24/2017.

PTAV piacenza

Reference scenario map

Project activities included the definition and evaluation of alternative mobility and transport scenarios within the time frame of the Territorial Plan of Piacenza Province. In this context, the main tasks concerned:

  • the update of the knowledge framework of the mobility and transport system in the Province of Piacenza;
  • the development of a reference scenario and two alternative evolving scenarios. The first, tendential, includes interventions planned and not implemented by the current Territorial Plan (PTCP). The second scenario is based on a selection of interventions and measures that respond to the ASI (Avoid, Shift, Improve) strategy, including measures to manage mobility demand and in favour of alternative modes to motorized private vehicles;
  • the evaluation of alternative scenarios, both from a transport and environmental perspective, was also carried out with the support of the traffic simulation model at the 2032 horizon;
  • the provision of technical support to the Public Administration in the interaction with the stakeholders;
  • the providing of technical contribution in the drafting of intermediate and final reports.


PTAV Piacenza PC

Evolving scenario n. 1 on the left and n. 2 on the right

The final document includes four preliminary modelling tests to identify the best route alternative for the so-called “median road“ of the province.. A further test concerned the complex interconnection system between motorways A21, A1 and State Road SS9. The intervention includes: a new connection between the Rottofreno tollgate on the A21 and the Basso Lodigiano tollgate on the A1, the downgrading of the Piacenza section of the A21, a new bridge over the Po river as a variant to the SS9. The evaluation of these alternatives included transport, environmental and territorial aspects, also thanks to the support of Politecnica.


For more information visit the official website – Only available in italian


Project Description

Piacenza Province (Provincia di Piacenza, Servizio di Programmazione e Territorio, Turismo e Attività Produttive)

2019 – ongoing

Patrizia Malgieri