Prato SUMP monitoring report in accordance with the indicators of DM 396 of 28/08/2019
The Municipality of Prato commissioned TRT to draw up the SUMP monitoring report. The SUMP was approved by Municipal Council Resolution no. 51 of 2017. The activity consists in verifying the state of implementation of the measures foreseen in the Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan as of February 2022, while highlighting the evolution of the descriptive variables of urban mobility (demand, supply and environmental and social impacts). This is an activity envisaged by Article 4 of Italian Ministry’s PUMS Guidelines (DM 397/2017).
In particular, the assignment includes the following macro activities:
- comparison of indicators selected from the current SUMP (approved in 2017) and therefore prior to the issuance of the SUMP Guidelines (DM No. 397 of 4 August 2017 and the subsequent update introduced by DM 396 of 28 August 2019);
- adjustment of the PUMS indicators to DM 396 of 28 August 2019 and their estimation to the base year (2017) and to 2021;
- verification of the SUMP status of implementation as for the individual measures included in the two Reference and Plan Scenarios;
- adaptation of SUMP objectives and actions;
- recommendations and indications for future updating of the current SUMP as set out in the 2017 Ministerial Guidelines.
Archivio progetti
Project Description
Prato Municipality
2021 – Ongoing
Davide Tessarollo