Salerno – Potenza – Bari, New road layout

Technical and economic feasibilty assessment. Upgrading measures for existing road and new road sections for the IV Stretch From Vaglio industrial area to the junction with S.P. Oppido S.S. 96

The project is part of the broader plan for the Salerno – Potenza – Bari Route, which was included in the First Program of Strategic Infrastructures approved by the Interministerial Committee for Economic Planning (CIPE) with the resolution n°121/2001.

More in detail the object of the study is a portion of the IV Stretch “Zona industriale Vaglio – SS96 BIS – Inizio Variante di Gravina”, that is supposed to be 20 km long with a C1 section, as classified by the standards imposed by the D.M. 5/11/2001, and includes:

  • A newly built stretch from S.S.407 «Basentana» to SP123, North of Tolve, in which a tunnel is planned
  • Upgrading works for S.P.123 from North of Tolve to the junction with S.S.96 bis, near Oppido Lucano.

The objective of the Technical Economic Feasibility Study is to find a design solution compatible with the financial resources allocated in the tender documents.

For this assessment, TRT Trasporti e Territorio, in collaboration with GPI Ingegneria, is in charge for developing a traffic study, with the support of PTV Visum software, and a cost-benefit analysis.

The modelling activities include:

  • Current state network build-up
  • Model parameters updating
  • O/D demand matrices estimation and correction through mathematical correction procedure
  • Validation of assigned vehicle flows with up-to-date traffic counts;
  • Development of project scenarios to assess and compare their performances.


18p13-Itinerario Salerno – Potenza – Bari -



Project Description

Anas Gruppo FS Italiane

2018 – Ongoing

Espedito Saponaro