Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan (SUMP) of Syracuse, Italy, and di Siracusa and related sector insights
Following a tender procedure, the Municipality of Syracuse commissioned to Sintagma and TRT Ingegneria to update the Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan (SUMP), which the city adopted in 2019.
SUMP development is divided into two phases.
Syracuse urban areas
In the first one, the cognitive framework was reconstructed, updating the mobility system with regard to its current state. In particular, the planning-programmatic framework at regional, provincial and local level, the territorial and socio-economic framework of the plan area, the supply of transport networks and services, the demand for mobility and the social (accident rate) and environmental (atmospheric pollutants, fossil fuel consumption, etc.) impacts determined by the mobility system were defined.
The second phase, which is currently being drafted, consists of the drafting of the Plan proposal, which will take into account the results of the SWOT analysis (in particular, the identification of critical issues and opportunities), the identification of the objectives and strategies of the PUMS, shared with the structures of the public administration.
Parallel to the first phase and during the second phase, the participation process has been developed with the involvement of citizens and users of the city in the definition of the proposed Plan..
Participation activities have been organised through an extensive communication campaign, involving the direct involvement of Syracuse citizens, who are called upon to give their input by filling in an online questionnaire, thanks to which it is possible to investigate the mobility habits of the population and report any proposals. To complete the process, meetings dedicated to stakeholders and citizens have been organised to present the Plan document.
Subsequently, accompanying the PUMS document, the new General Urban Traffic Plan will also be drafted, together with specific sectoral insights on particularly important topics such as, for example, mobility of all for all, home-school mobility, electric mobility..
For further content visit (in italian) which contains the documents produced and presents the modalities of participation.
Archivio progetti
Project Description
Municipality of Syracuse (Italy)
2022 – ongoing
Davide Tessarollo