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TRIP Research Theme Analysis Report – Transport security

The new report from the European Commission funded Transport Research Innovation Portal (TRIP) provides a comprehensive review on Transport Security. TRT is among the partners of the consortium.

The report offers a rare snapshot to help policy makers and researchers with examples of where research in Europe is helping to improve security and the resilience of passenger and freight transport. It also identifies important areas and research gaps to focus future efforts.

The report covers six interlinked sub themes of transport security: threat detection and prevention, crisis management, cyber security, privacy and ICT issues, staff security training, cargo security, passenger security.


Co-Authors: Claudia de Stasio, Cosimo Chiffi, Alessio Sitran, Riccardo Parolin, Silvia Maffii, Raffaele Vergnani (TRT)


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E-Mobility contribution to sustainability

TRT makes available to its partners a paper on electric mobility and on the role that it can have in making the trasport sector more sustainable and innovative.

This paper is regards a reflection carried out after a deep knowledge acquired in the fields of traffic planning, research and evaluation. Its aim is to help to define innovative strategies for Italy. TRT considers that e-mobility development would be one of the actions that can make transport sector more sustainable, lowering its dependance on fossil fuels, greenhouse gases. Moreover, it gives the opportunity to support the technological development of the sector. In fact, in the near future vehicles will be connected, shared and electric, as for the previsions of main world player in the automotive and ICT sectors.

TRT’s paper define the current and future scenarios pointing out the impacts and the benefits that mobility could bring in urban areas.

Paper available only in Italian.

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From City to Cyclelogistics

“From City to Cyclelogistics, innovative proposals and sustainable solutions for cities” (“Dalla City alla Cyclelogistics, Proposte innovative e soluzioni sostenibili per le città”) is a paper realized by TRT for “Cyclelogistics Ahead” project, co-financed by EU Intelligent Energy Europe program.

This paper starts with some general aspects related to urban logistics trend and it describes cyclelogistics solutions, a phenomenon that is widespreadly developing in Italy too. This shift can lead to a shared and sustainable urban logistics.

The framework that emerged in the years of activation of the project made it possible to map Cyclelogistics in Italy which assumes the characteristics of a consolidated reality.

Moreover, the most easily implementable effective measures can become a specific strategy, for public administration, that lead to a really sustainable future for our cities.

Authors: Cosimo Chiffi, Giuseppe Galli, Enrico Pastori

April 2017

Paper available only in Italian.

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Future of transport politics after new procurement code

Marco Ponti and Patrizia Malgieri papers on SIPoTra (Società Italiana di Politica dei Trasporti) publication n.1/2017:

– Main railways projects of “Strategic infrastructure program” (I principali progetti ferroviari del “Programma infrastrutture strategiche”), by Marco Ponti (page 22)

– The urban context: tools to evaluate Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans (La dimensione urbana: gli strumenti di valutazione nei Piani urbani per la mobilità sostenibile), by Patrizia Malgieri (page 65)

This publication “Quaderno SIPoTra” collects the presentations of the conference “Which future for transport politics after the new procurement code” (“Quale futuro per la politica dei trasporti dopo il nuovo codice degli appalti”), organized by the Association and carried in Rome the 14 of December 2016.

SIPoTra wanted to offer a chance to deepen and confront on specific aspects of  the new procurement code, connected with transport infrastructure planning, giving proposals to correct and implement the code.

April 2017

Publication available only in Italian.

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TRIP Research Theme Analysis Report – Urban Mobility

This is the first in the new series of Research Theme Analysis Reports produced under the new Transport Research & Innovation Portal (TRIP)  – a free to access, European Commission funded portal for EU professionals to share and discuss innovations in transport mobility

It covers the research theme Urban Mobility. The purpose of this Research Theme Analysis Report is to provide an overview of research performed (mostly) in the EU collated by TRIP, providing a view across many projects that fall under the theme. It provides an assessment of the reported results from the research projects, giving scientific and policy perspectives.

The theme of Urban Mobility has been divided into seven sub-themes, as follows: accessibility, freight transport, intelligent transport systems (ITS) low carbon transport technologies, sustainable public transport, Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans (SUMPs), urban land use.

Co-Authors: Cosimo Chiffi, Angelo Martino

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TRIP Research Theme Analysis Report – Cooperative Intelligent Transport Systems (C-ITS)

This Research Theme Analysis Report provides a review of research projects under the new Transport Research & Innovation Portal (TRIP) – continuation project for the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Mobility and Transport (DG-MOVE). It covers the Cooperative Intelligent Transport Systems (C-ITS) research theme.

Cooperative ITS (C-ITS) is a subset of ITS that has been as “‘A subset of the overall ITS that communicates and shares information between ITS stations to give advice or facilitate actions with the objective of improving safety, sustainability, efficiency and comfort beyond the scope of stand-alone systems.’

For the purpose of this review, the theme of C-ITS has been divided into 10 sub-themes and the assessments performed within each sub-theme as well as across the complete C-ITS theme. The 10 sub-themes considered are: communication technologies; data protection and security; freight transport and logistics; human-machine interaction; information systems/platform; motorway applications; public transport; safety, efficiency and emissions; sensors; urban applications.

Co-authors: Cosimo Chiffi, Claudia de Stasio (TRT)

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TRIP Research Theme Analysis Report – Transport Infrastructure

The new report from the European Commission funded Transport Research Innovation Portal (TRIP) provides a comprehensive review of multimodal transport infrastructure research performed by European businesses, public organisations and academic institutions.

It offers a rare snapshot of the current infrastructure research and innovation landscape to help focus policy makers, stakeholders and researchers on areas to improve the accessibility and performance of transport systems across Europe.

The report covers six interlinked sub themes of transport infrastructure development: planning; assessment; pricing, funding and financing; construction; management and governance; and monitoring and maintenance.

Research projects included in the report are drawn from the online Transport Research Innovation Portal (TRIP) – a free to access, European Commission funded portal for EU professionals to share and discuss innovations in transport mobility.

Co-Authors: Claudia de Stasio, Cosimo Chiffi, Alessio Sitran, Riccardo Parolin, Silvia Maffii (TRT)

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Governance framework of public transport in Lombardy

An update on governance framework of local public transport in Lombardy, paper by Patrizia Malgieri on SmartCity & MobilityLab n. 18

With the new year, the public transport basin authority of Milan, Monza and Brianza, Pavia, and Lodi started the activity to make operative its governance framework. The Public Transport Agency instituted by regional law needed a considerable amount of time to kickstart and some months to be operative. in November 2016 it finally constituted and, with the nomination of its director, started the activity to make it operative. Three aspects are faced in this paper: the Agency presentation, its functions, and the reference and the evolutive scenarios.

January-February 2017

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