AuthorDavide Tessarollo

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Sustainable mobility, are we on track?

“Sustainable mobility, are we on track?” (“Mobilità sostenibile, siamo sulla buona strada?”) is a paper by Patrizia Malgieri and Marco Gatto published on SmartCity & MobilityLab n. 20

This paper gives a contribute to the reflection on transport sustainability and greenhouse gases emissions, and it compares different guidelines on policy in climate and energy sectors with the more specifics guidelines on mobility, in particular with mobility in urban areas.

May-June 2017

Paper available only in Italian.

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La logistica tra le cascine milanesi

“Logistics in Milan farmhouse” (“La logistica tra le cascine milanesi”), paper by Giuseppe Galli and Ettore Gualandi on SmartCity & MobilityLab n. 20

This paper presents the pilot of TRT project U-TURN, acronym of “Rethinking Urban Transportation through advanced tools and supply chain collaboration”, co-financed by European Commission in Horizon 2020 strategic programme. Its aim is to identify some collaborative logistical strategies in the distribution of food in urban areas in order to optimize the food delivery activity.

May-June 2017

Paper available only in Italian.

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CIVITAS Policy Note – Smart choices for cities “Making urban freight logistics more sustainable”

Within the consortium of the CIVITAS WIKI project, TRT was responsible for drafting this Policy Note, focusing on the topic of urban freight logistics.
Freight distribution is a vital part of life in modern cities and plays a relevant role within the whole urban mobility system. Although urban freight systems have not received much attention to date, actual demographic trends showing an increasing urbanization, together with the pervasive role of information and communication technologies and the consistent growth of e-commerce are bound to pose further challenges to the urban freight system. Among the different components of urban mobility, urban freight logistics is in fact traditionally considered as the least sustainable because of its evident negative impacts (generating noise and pollutant emissions, increasing congestion and posing a threat to the safety of road users).
That is why it is necessary to encourage the reflection upon these issues, the sharing of experiences and best practices between cities and the raising of awareness among decision-makers in order to trigger alternative, and more sustainable, approaches to urban freight planning.

Authors: Tito Stefanelli, Caterina Di Bartolo, Giuseppe Galli, Enrico Pastori, Hans Quack, Ivan Uccelli (infographics)

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Technical Development and Deployment of Alcohol Interlocks in Road Safety Policy

This study presents a discussion on alcohol interlocks in terms of their use, effectiveness and contribution to road safety. While summarising the most recent road safety developments and providing an account of the drink-driving phenomenon, the study outlines the technical requirements for the use of these devices and the various methods of use currently established in EU Member States. The study concludes with an analysis of their cost-effectiveness in relation to their deployment in the commercial road transport sector and specific users categories.

Authors: Angelo Martino, Alessio Sitran, Caterina Rosa

April 2014


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Evaluation of the implementation and effects of EU infrastructure charging policy since 1995

The EU has been working towards the development of a common framework for the charging of road freight transport for over 40 years. An impact assessment study was commissioned to RICARDO-AEA, TRT, DIW Econ and CAU by DG Mobility and Transport to evaluate transport infrastructure charging policy in the EU.
The assessment period for this study starts from 1995, with the publication of the Green Paper “Towards fair and efficient pricing in transport” (COM (95) 691). The paper advocated charging users for the full social costs of their journeys in order to reduce transport problems and make Europe’s economy more competitive. After 1999, the primary policy instrument of interest is Directive 1999/96 (the ‘Eurovignette’ Directive) and its subsequent amendments, as well as the Directive 2004/52 on the European electronic toll service.
The report is concerned with the first part of the study carrying out both an ex-post evaluation of transport infrastructure charging policy since 1995, and an ex-ante evaluation of recent amendments to the Eurovignette Directive (as enshrined in Directive 2011/76/EC). The evaluations reported are very broad in nature and required a series of challenging questions and issues to be addressed in parallel: nine main questions and issues for the ex-post evaluation of the Eurovignette Directive and four specific questions for the ex-ante evaluation of Directive 2011/76/EC.

Authors: Binsted A., Brambilla M., Cesbron S., C. de Stasio, Dun C., Gibson G., Martino A., Parolin R., Rosa C., Stavrakaki A., Varma A.

January 2014


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Key trends and emerging traveller needs

Within the COMPASS Project, TRT has conducted an extensive research activity (based on a consistent number of studies and scientific publications) aiming at identifying the main drivers and trends (in social, economic, environmental and technological domains) that are likely to play a dominant role in the next decades (2050) in Europe and influence current and future mobility patterns. The work has produced a the COMPASS deliverable D.3.2  and a website, internally developed by TRT, allowing the user to identify, check and review the insights from literature and to access and download the documents of the bibliography.

Authors: de Stasio C., Di Bartolo C., Brambilla M., Carreno M., Enei R., Giuffrè G.

July 2013

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Social and Working Conditions of Road Transport Hauliers

Social and Working Conditions of Road Transport Hauliers

The European Parliament has published a new study carried out by TRT dealing with the social and working conditions of professional drivers in the road freight transport sector.
The study complements a previous research work conducted by TRT on the enforcement of the European legislation that governs the social aspects of the road freight transport sector, and provides an analysis of the social and working conditions of professional drivers engaged in this domain. The study concentrates on the fundamental social issues that arise in this transport segment, including driving times and rest periods as well as practical aspects that impact directly on the quality of life of drivers, e.g. employment schemes and income levels. After an overall analysis of the relevant EU legal framework, the findings of a stakeholder and driver consultation are reported and included in the conclusions and recommendations drawn by the study.

Authors: Alessio Sitran, Enrico Pastori

April 2013

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Driving and parking patterns of European car drivers – A mobility survey

TRT was the leader of the JRC study, directly involved in the survey design, in the analysis of driving profiles and in the implementation of the database. The direct survey was administered by IPSOS. In this study a good deal of information on how cars are used in different countries was collected. This information is useful for the main purpose of the project – the estimation of the charging profiles and of the load profiles – but it is also a relevant source of data in itself. Furthermore, in the survey the attitude of individuals towards the electric cars was also investigated and interesting responses were collected. Finally, the database implemented is a tool that can be used to define and analyse scenarios concerning the penetration of electric drive vehicles in the fleet under a wide range of assumptions.

Authors: G. Pasaoglu, D. Fiorello, A. Martino, G. Scarcella, A. Alemanno, A. Zubaryeva, C. Thiel

December 2012

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The role of women in the green economy: the issue of mobility

Study drawn up by TRT Trasporti e Territorio and IRS Istituto per la Ricerca Sociale on behalf of the European Parliament – Directorate General for International Policies of the European Union-with the aim of highlighting the characteristics of gender mobility (women mobility).
The study finds its justification from the European Community strategy toward the realization of equality between women and men. (European Commission, Strategy for equality between women and men, 2010-2015) and in the Road Map in order to achieve the European targets 20-20-20 (European Parliament resolution of the 11 March 2008).

Authors: Patrizia Malgieri, Silvia Maffii, Caterina Rosa, Manuela Samek Lodovici, Flavia Pesce

May 2012


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